Teachings of Freemasonry

Originally posted on My Questions-n-Journey to Answers:
In the informational age, people have easy access to what they believe are the teachings of Freemasonry.  They take what they read literally.  However, the description of Freemasonry should cause you to ask if reading a book tells what Freemasonry is truly about.  Well here’s the description: Freemasonry is…


Originally posted on BITS OF MANY STORIES!:
What makes me African? What makes you African? What makes us Africans? What have we become? Many questions yet few answers, We crave for much yet less is worked for. We talk more than we act, We have become enemies of work. We have become copy cats, We…

The CIA has already his instigator at home

Originally posted on Africa Intelligence Leaks:
BOARD OF EDITORS. In recent times, we have witnessed a sequence of subversive social outbursts[1] that have no other reason but to increase the opposition of the people – mainly young – to the government, exploit the readiness and penetration reached in communications and to create a leader to…

The African

I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas and the ever-changing seasons that define the face of our native land. My body has frozen in our frosts and in our latter day snows. It … Continue reading